02:19:22 godling joined #tunes 02:19:26 godling left #tunes 02:41:31 thomas joined #tunes 03:38:52 anthonysimon joined #tunes 03:39:12 anthonysimon looks around 03:39:18 anthonysimon pokes abi 03:39:20 anthonysimon left #tunes 03:53:11 thomas joined #tunes 03:56:50 [QUIT] thomas quit: Ping timeout for thomas[rits1.rits.idcomnet.no] 04:24:53 smoke joined #tunes 04:57:03 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: 05:51:51 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Ping timeout for eihrul[usr5-ppp123.lvdi.net] 06:17:33 [QUIT] ult quit: Read error to ult[user-38lcdr6.dialup.mindspring.com]: Connection reset by peer 06:53:08 [QUIT] NET^^ quit: Ping timeout for NET^^[PPPa52-ResaleMountVernon1-3R7094.saturn.bbn.com] 07:51:31 thomas joined #tunes 07:57:37 [QUIT] thomas quit: Ping timeout for thomas[rits1.rits.idcomnet.no] 08:50:57 ult joined #tunes 08:52:23 eihrul joined #tunes 09:39:45 Ghyll joined #tunes 09:48:59 [QUIT] Ghyll quit: snipp 09:52:54 smklsmkl joined #tunes 10:06:23 yinzen joined #tunes 10:41:52 morton joined #tunes 10:51:15 [QUIT] morton quit: Leaving 11:01:59 is garbage collection in a purely functional language as easy as just cleaning up all used memory when leaving a function? 11:02:15 or is it as complicated as with other types of languages? 11:03:41 or does this only work as easily with linear logic? 11:12:17 linear logic 11:12:21 otherwise, you have to trace 11:12:41 just as complicated as with other languages -- you have closures 11:12:45 [QUIT] Odysseus quit: Read error to Odysseus[host62-7-83-20.btinternet.com]: Connection reset by peer 11:12:56 baker has a paper in his archive on treating the stack as a nursery for young objects 11:13:09 that avoids some of that if you have the right processor architecture :) 11:13:30 smklsmkl: well, if you force the closures to have dynamic extent, you're okay :) 11:14:34 hm ok 11:15:01 have you spotted any new interesting languages to experiment with? 11:15:34 at least not LX 11:16:22 lx? 11:17:15 somebody posted a link to 11:17:18 riview@tunes.org 11:17:20 ? 11:18:20 ult shakes his head 11:18:25 I love this, a nursery for young objects... 11:19:56 ult: wha? :) 11:20:13 that's what it is 11:20:18 It's just....sooooo kyooooote! 11:20:23 Awww :) 11:20:27 well, i could say baby objects 11:20:39 because the objects that die their are REALLY young because they're on the stack 11:24:42 [QUIT] Odysseus quit: Leaving 11:37:16 'here are some of the _unique_ characteristics of LX,..' followed by ', like Occam or Python' 11:38:17 i think that the project has been stopped, and they are concentrating on mozart 11:40:50 mozart seems interesting, yet smells vapourish 11:41:02 mozart seems to be an attempt to build metaprogramming tools 11:43:04 abi joined #tunes 11:49:27 hcf joined #tunes 11:49:37 abi is back and seemingly fine now 11:49:51 hcf is away: (busy) 11:54:37 abi: mozart? 11:54:38 mozart is a concurrent constraint programming language at http://www.mozart-oz.org/ or an implementation of Oz 12:01:05 ult joined #tunes 12:01:10 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Ping timeout for gREMLiNs[] 12:13:32 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: changing servers 14:48:49 extrasolar joined #tunes 15:30:47 smklsmkl joined #tunes 16:43:25 lmaxson joined #tunes 16:56:11 lmaxson left #tunes 17:18:28 ult joined #tunes 17:52:08 smklsmkl joined #tunes 19:06:44 water joined #tunes 19:06:56 'lo all 19:09:50 hi water 19:10:01 wow, someone's awake 19:10:14 i'm sorry it's only me :) 19:10:25 that's fine 19:10:38 i think it's time for me to write now 19:10:51 although work is still really stressful, so i can't overdo it 19:11:05 you're still working for the navy? 19:11:11 (i gotta vent sometimes, you know) 19:11:17 water eyes smoke 19:11:27 as if i could just quit tomorrow :P 19:11:37 no, i have 600 days left 19:11:50 aha :) 19:12:00 why the hell do you think i've been so slow with slate and arrow?!? 19:12:05 haha :) 19:12:09 P 19:12:15 well i've seen people without jobs perform worse 19:12:34 i recently regained some interest in arrow-like systems 19:12:37 yeah i know how that goes 19:12:45 oh? 19:12:52 basically some silly philosophizing about different languages 19:12:53 such as? 19:12:53 brb 19:13:00 oh :P 19:16:32 nothing concrete :( 19:17:00 i just couldn't believe something one-dimensional would fit best. 19:17:18 "one dimensional"? fit what? 19:17:55 one-dimensional as in chronolgical, to fit an arrow system 19:18:10 i still don't understand 19:18:35 sorry, i don't really understand myself. too vague thoughts. 19:18:51 current languages are mostly like "do this, do that" 19:19:01 well, if you really want to clarify, starting reading others' ideas 19:19:18 object oriented systems are a step towards (what i see as) an arrow system 19:19:40 and declarative systems with proper quantifiers? 19:23:22 uh. 19:23:31 P 19:23:37 thanks :) 19:23:46 any time 19:24:01 4:25am 19:24:17 oh that's right 19:24:25 you're dutch 19:24:36 yes 19:24:52 sorry, i lose track of personal details sometimes 19:25:27 no need to apologize 19:33:26 water: do you consider some programs to be well-designed, and if so - which ones? 19:33:45 *programs*? 19:33:52 as in binaries? :) 19:39:12 hm whatever software projects 19:39:30 emacs, x11, freebsd, .. 19:39:42 ah 19:40:23 in that case, squeak, beos, hmm 19:40:42 aha. 19:40:58 but no system as a whole is very good 19:41:09 (currently) 19:41:17 aha 19:41:37 wonder if they'll ever be. 19:41:46 for example, i know fbsd has really good aspects, but those are totally ofset by others which make using it unthinkable 19:42:03 (for me, personally) 19:42:04 hm need to get sleep. thanks for talking to me :) 19:42:10 sure, cya 19:42:24 yeah i've got some problems with most C written projects too :] 19:42:28 [QUIT] smoke quit: z! 21:39:05 [QUIT] masterseldon quit: [x]chat 21:43:50 eihrul joined #tunes 21:49:32 [QUIT] _Secret quit: Ping timeout for _Secret[adsl-62-255-217.mia.bellsouth.net] 00:54:16 water: "600 days left ?"