00:37:37 Brianna joined #tunes 00:38:13 [NICK] lar-movie changed nick to: lar1 03:08:54 [QUIT] ink|conan quit: Ping timeout for ink|conan[ppp-207-214-214-10.sntc01.pacbell.net] 03:31:06 smkl__ joined #tunes 03:32:43 [QUIT] smkl_ quit: Ping timeout for smkl_[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 03:32:43 [QUIT] nate37 quit: Ping timeout for nate37[cx83983-d.irvn1.occa.home.com] 04:41:27 [QUIT] smkl__ quit: Ping timeout for smkl__[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 05:01:26 smkl__ joined #tunes 06:21:43 eihrul joined #tunes 09:05:46 hcf joined #tunes 09:49:27 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 09:59:15 [NICK] smkl__ changed nick to: smkl 10:23:24 [NICK] ult[sleep] changed nick to: ult 12:22:19 eihrul joined #tunes 13:08:32 hcf joined #tunes 15:22:27 extrasola joined #tunes 15:22:41 I slate done yet? 16:16:20 in what sense? 16:16:23 slate is still evolving 16:16:45 Well...is it beyond the specification stage? 16:17:37 yes and no 16:17:44 the core idea is 16:17:54 the implementation is very much in progess right now, though :) 16:18:12 Cool beans. You mean slate.lisp? 16:18:56 no 16:18:59 i mean as in Pidgin 16:19:53 Pidgin? 16:20:14 yes, it is the first real stand-alone implementation of Slate that will actually be useful for programming... 16:20:36 (stand-alone in-so-far as it is written in C++) 16:20:43 Wow! Is it at the URL in the topic? 16:20:48 slate-home.html 16:21:40 well, all that is there right now is some preliminary support code 16:21:45 i'm still working on implementation :) 16:22:02 Oh :) 16:23:16 I'm still trying to understand how you can combine the OO and Functional paradigms. 16:54:29 coreyr joined #tunes 17:10:50 hey 17:11:04 [QUIT] hcf quit: Ping timeout for hcf[207-172-225-253.s253.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com] 17:15:09 Fare joined #tunes 17:15:18 Gakuk 17:21:22 gak 17:21:53 eihrul is entering Common Lisp in the ICFP programming contest. ) 17:22:01 great! 18:55:58 Brianna joined #tunes 22:08:01 coreyr joined #tunes 01:16:06 abi joined #tunes