07:12:49 _101 joined #tunes 07:12:50 <_101> hi 08:07:43 water joined #tunes 08:08:18 <_101> hi water! 08:08:43 <_101> water, after the exams i'll have free time and i'd like to help 08:09:18 <_101> but i only know C++, but that one i know very much. (taht's why i'm here :) 08:09:40 <_101> btw any ETA about the slate.tunes.org update? 08:11:28 hey 08:11:40 by the end of the month at the latest 08:11:53 "ETA" ? 08:12:01 i've got docs i've been working on, but they're not ready :/ 08:12:08 Fare: airline term 08:12:16 Fare: estimated time of arrival 08:12:41 <_101> i didn't knon what ETA is exactly :) 08:12:44 oh 08:13:28 <_101> water, is there anything i can help with pidgin? 08:13:37 talk to eihrul 08:13:44 <_101> ok 08:13:54 he's deep into working out how the code needs to work 08:13:58 [NICK] Fare changed nick to: FareAway 08:14:37 [QUIT] abi quit: Ping timeout for abi[bespin.org] 08:14:51 abi joined #tunes 08:14:58 <_101> the bad thing is that i'm not deep in slate theories... but if there are understandable subtasks i'm willing to make them (at least after teh exams) 08:16:22 ult joined #tunes 08:16:23 well, that's my fault :) 08:16:47 but then slate's getting a lot of development and thought on purpose 08:17:24 <_101> not really... if i knew the special english words and phrases it would be much simpler. but i'm getting closer each time i read the irc logs and such 08:17:41 <_101> water, that's very good news :) 08:18:40 btw you do understand that reading the HLL "spec" on the tunes site is supposed to give you an idea of where slate's supposed to go, right? 08:19:45 <_101> yes, but i need to read it again 08:20:20 yeah sometimes even i have to read it again 08:20:45 although i think i've got the site pretty much memorized by now 08:22:49 <_101> i definately not... :( but each time i read the docs i understand some new thing, so i guess i'm no the way to catch up, at least to be able to ask :P 08:23:24 well i read the whole site every month for a few years :) 08:23:44 it takes a while to figure out what tunes is, and what it is not 08:23:49 <_101> hmm... then i have damn much to read :) 08:24:01 it's not the quantity 08:24:08 it's the background research 08:24:18 at least for me, anyway 08:24:50 <_101> i know... 08:26:25 <_101> my problem is definately with the background. there are several things on tunes.org i've been missing while working with computers, and a lot when programming in C++, i just didn't put them in words... 08:27:36 hcf joined #tunes 08:29:07 c++ tends to do that to people :) 08:29:33 (not allow them to express their concepts in first-order language, so they're concepts stay vague) 08:30:09 <_101> i know, but i was extensively using metaprogramming and all that cruft with #defines but it was like a... damn like being in chains 08:30:13 hcf_ joined #tunes 08:30:31 <_101> yes as you write :) 08:31:16 <_101> btw, the "C++ is a smart assembler" is a very good point! 08:31:23 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Ping timeout for gREMLiNs[] 08:31:26 heh Fare wrote that 08:32:40 <_101> there was a time when i tought C++ is brilliant (i learned programming on an Amiga in m68k assemby :) but then i sortly (?) ended up here luckily 08:32:59 hum 08:33:11 how many languages have you looked at? 08:33:33 <_101> not much :( 08:33:43 <_101> pascal java c++ lx, all the same 08:34:20 <_101> but i read the self stuff, soem of beta and i find stuff i'm missing in many cases 08:35:09 [QUIT] _ruiner_ quit: barnes.openprojects.net varley.openprojects.net 08:35:09 [QUIT] hcf quit: barnes.openprojects.net varley.openprojects.net 08:35:24 [NICK] hcf_ changed nick to: hcf 08:35:37 <_101> so i'm eagerly waiting to play with some slate stuff, hopefully that will help me understand it better 08:35:38 well if you read about self, it might help to look into smalltalk first 08:35:49 <_101> smalltalk? ok! :) 08:35:57 since smalltalk *forces* you to do OOP at all levels 08:35:57 <_101> abi, squeak 08:35:58 squeak is a cool pure oo language descended from Smalltalk, at http://squeak.cs.uiuc.edu/ or at http://www.squeak.org/ or The open source mouse that roars! 08:36:30 <_101> but oop is not a good thing... at least not flexible enough 08:37:00 <_101> (hmm.. at least oop as it is in C++) 08:37:01 true 08:37:06 lol 08:37:16 well, then you should definitely learn smalltalk :) 08:37:32 (not use it, but learn it at least) 08:38:44 <_101> learn it then means read the docs, ideas, examples? 08:42:03 OOP does have limits, and smalltalk is probably the one language closest to exploring those limits 17:47:49 Brianna joined #tunes 17:47:56 lar1 joined #tunes 17:50:13 abi: sicp? 17:50:16 sicp is Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs at http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ or full text at http://sicp.arsdigita.org/text/sicp/ 17:59:50 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 18:18:28 Kyle joined #tunes 18:43:16 eihrul joined #tunes 19:13:24 [QUIT] kev quit: Ping timeout for kev[t3o317p159.teliauk.com] 19:22:43 Fare joined #tunes 19:27:26 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: Read error to MysticOne[porpoise32.panama.gulf.net]: EOF from client 19:27:33 [QUIT] Melinda quit: Ping timeout for Melinda[porpoise32.panama.gulf.net] 19:52:14 [QUIT] ree quit: Read error to ree[twisted.goodnet.com]: Connection reset by peer 20:03:55 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 20:22:46 ult joined #tunes 20:38:09 FareAway joined #tunes 23:16:04 water joined #tunes 23:18:32 re 00:04:20 clog joined #tunes