02:47:28 <_101> hi 02:48:06 <_101> is there a way to dl the tunes site for offline browsing? not the cvs, i can't build it on beos... 03:56:20 [QUIT] nore quit: Ping timeout for nore[] 04:57:49 _101 left #tunes 05:15:44 Kyle joined #tunes 05:19:35 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 05:53:17 nore joined #tunes 05:55:04 coreyr joined #tunes 05:55:26 coreyr left #tunes 06:05:03 nore joined #tunes 07:46:38 kev joined #tunes 12:13:23 kev joined #tunes 12:18:28 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: work 13:09:26 hcf joined #tunes 13:13:23 abi: CodA is [smalltalk+meta] an object meta-level architecture which features decomposition by logical behaviour as its primary design guideline at http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/jeff/research/coda.html 13:13:23 abi: Tj is [smalltalk+coda] a distributed object system at http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/jeff/research/tj.html 13:13:23 abi: PortedObjects is [smalltalk+coda] a dataflow object model in which objects form arbitrarily complex computation nodes in dataflow graph at http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/jeff/research/po.html 13:13:27 abi: Vibes is [smalltalk+coda] a data analysis and visualization toolkit based on PortedObjects at http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/jeff/research/vibes.html 13:13:27 abi: verischemelog is [scheme+verilog+paper] verilog embedded in scheme at http://www.eecs.tulane.edu/www/Jennings/research/Verischemelog.html 13:13:29 abi: schism is [scheme+sw] a partial evaluator for scheme at http://www.irisa.fr/compose/schism/ 13:13:31 abi: fish is [ui+paper] Finally an Interactive SHell at http://www.eecs.tulane.edu/www/Jennings/research/Fish.html 13:13:32 ...but fish is functional=imperative+shape programming language at http://www-staff.mcs.uts.edu.au/~cbj/FISh/... 13:13:34 abi: cctip is Compiler Construction Tools in Prolog at http://cs.wwc.edu/Research/Compiler/PrologTools/ 13:13:36 abi: sfsls is [cs+survey] Self Fixing Software Literature Survey at http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dcs3jei/lit-survey.html 13:13:42 abi: AutoDocumenter is [scheme+sw] at http://www.eecs.tulane.edu/www/Jennings/research/AutoDocumenter.html 13:13:42 abi: montages is [spec] a visual language specification formalism at http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/~montages/ 13:13:46 abi: oswg is [os+sw+site] Open Source Writers Group at http://www.oswg.org 13:13:46 abi: PTO is ProgramTransformationOrg at http://www.program-transformation.org 13:23:28 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 13:36:13 eihrul joined #tunes 13:47:15 abi: aleph 13:47:17 aleph is [pl] a functional PL with dynamic symbol binding and support for oop at http://www.aleph-lang.org 14:28:22 Kyle joined #tunes 15:24:24 lar1 joined #tunes 15:42:55 Kyle joined #tunes 15:49:09 hcf joined #tunes 15:55:02 icac: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/194592.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/263332.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/92268.html http://www.hippo.cs.strath.ac.uk/ 15:55:08 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 15:59:58 tcn joined #tunes 16:08:05 mibin joined #tunes 16:51:30 eihrul joined #tunes 16:51:55 hey 16:52:07 'lo 16:52:20 CMU? 16:52:26 yeah, sure 16:54:31 why? 16:55:31 just wondering what you do there 16:57:13 [QUIT] Suzana quit: Ping timeout for Suzana[] 16:57:58 i've noticed a lot of good work comes out of cmu, regarding computers.. 16:58:34 shrug, i'm a freshman undergrad 16:58:58 right outta high school? 16:59:41 yeah 17:00:37 heh.. i always figured you were older. so, how is it? 17:01:43 so far, pretty silly 17:02:09 for undergrad, the choice of college is pretty much irrelevant i gather 17:02:56 hehe, 4 years of bullshit 17:03:22 and 4 more before anyone will look at you seriously, eh? 17:08:40 yep 17:09:34 but i don't care about those people specifically 17:09:42 a great many people take me seriously already 17:11:05 yeah, you deal with some serious stuff.. 17:11:36 so what's your major? not some crap like CS right? 17:11:56 didn't get into CS 17:12:01 is math right now 17:12:25 which is unfortunate, because there are probably much better schools for math, that are considerably cheaper 17:12:56 hehe.. they have lotsa good math profs at BCC here :) 17:13:57 their CS dept sucks though 17:14:27 the philosophy department here looks pretty good though 17:15:06 anyway it prolly doesn't make much difference your first year.. what are your classes? 17:25:52 pretty stupid stuff this semester, should get better a bit next semester, and gradually go down-hill a bit from there 17:28:11 for me it started to suck in the 3rd semeseter 17:28:54 well, i didn't even get to pick my classes 1st semester 17:29:18 that sucks.. you have orientation & crap? 17:29:43 any actual math classes? 17:30:37 yeah, some, next semester most of my courses are math and philo (yay) 17:35:57 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 17:53:50 hcf joined #tunes 18:05:45 hcf joined #tunes 18:07:02 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 18:08:54 hcf joined #tunes 18:10:12 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 18:13:05 hcf joined #tunes 18:16:29 water joined #tunes 18:16:51 re all 18:16:53 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 18:16:58 hey tcn, ltns :) 18:21:00 hey tcn i looked through the logs and you say you know of places with good math profs... got suggestions for me? 18:22:34 hcf joined #tunes 18:25:45 hey water 18:27:06 it's just the local community college :) 18:27:50 oh 18:28:04 if ya really wanted to go there, I could at least tell ya their names :) 18:28:09 nah 18:28:12 heeh 18:28:36 i got a full scholarship to mit and a couple of other places once, i can do it again 18:28:44 cool 18:28:53 where else? 18:29:31 a small place called clarkson, bu, rice, and a few others 18:29:52 Clarkson.. in northern NY? 18:30:07 and BU.. boston? 18:30:15 yep 18:30:45 the "few others" were state schools 18:30:55 damn, I can't remember if the people I knew who went to clarkson loved it or hated it 18:31:01 which didn't matter to me, but i was forced to go to one of those 18:31:07 boston's a nicer city :) 18:31:32 ya gotta like hockey to like clarkson 18:31:44 anyway 18:32:00 i finally figured out how meta-compilers work in forth 18:32:39 pretty neat, but the idea i'm working with in slate is something i like better because it takes advantage of the language differences 18:32:42 heh 18:34:22 abi hippo? 18:34:23 water: no idea 18:35:34 abi: hippo is [pl+sw] an orthogonally persistent language with a distributed store for web programming at http://www.hippo.cs.strath.ac.uk/ 18:35:50 hcf: correct my formatting if need be 18:36:24 urs is fine 18:36:53 yuck, the docs are in word format, it seems 18:37:20 hcf: what does coda stand for? 18:37:30 dunno 18:37:43 oic 18:37:47 CodA 18:39:38 [QUIT] lar1 quit: 18:47:30 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 19:06:58 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 19:49:45 [QUIT] water quit: Ping timeout for water[c207-202-221-160.sea1.cablespeed.com] 19:51:36 water joined #tunes 19:55:54 [QUIT] tcn quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 20:01:07 [QUIT] water quit: Ping timeout for water[c207-202-221-160.sea1.cablespeed.com] 20:02:20 water joined #tunes 20:11:09 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 22:48:27 lar1 joined #tunes 00:03:37 [QUIT] lar1 quit: