IRC log started Tue Oct 26 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1026 i used to be a good programmer, but i gradually got sick of it i actually wrote a family of graphics engines that were really fast and feature-laden hmm, I don't much like feature-laden to be honest they wound up pretty professional-looking, too I prefer my systems elegant well, the code was designed for a particular application nothing needs to be added, and nothing more to be removed so, i optimized it for specific tasks feature-laden is relative... i needed the features fair enough otherwise, the output quality looked really bad heh :) it was a space flight engine ahh i was working with some really weird constraints bleh. that's for another time my problem is that i've looked into too many mathematical texts trying to formalize my problem and factor out the solved bits without this effort, though, i wouldn't have been able to reduce the problem to "arrow" i used to think that a programming language could do it it's funny, because i've been programming since i was six i taught myself everything about applebasic and a little asm without any manuals 12:10am well, this is enough chat for me i will see you in a few days good night -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) 12:20am -:- Nick [user7608@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Nick: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Nithia [user7181@] has joined #tunes Hello anyone there? -:- Nithia [user7181@] has left #tunes [] 01:50am -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (td has no reason) -:- water [] has joined #tunes Fare? Fare is sometimes looking at another screen and interruptible with a beep (/msg Fare ^G) or at or connected through a crappy ISP ( or pronounced Fahree eek 04:20am water? water is at or an expression of the Tao or our island of intelligence or heh ehe abi: agt agt is Around Goedel's Theorem at live it, love it, learn it :) ok well, skip the familiar parts it covers a lot of theory that doesn't bear repeating well, gotta go see ya in a few days -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 04:30am -:- FareWell [] has joined #Tunes -:- FareWell [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smkl[]) -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- fire [] has joined #tunes bonjour 06:50am :( -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) 07:00am -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey if water could define his ideas as a technique then try to implement it it would be a lot easier for ppl to contribute 07:30am shit gotta go -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES ([x]chat) 07:40am -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- NetSplit: split from [08:53am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Fare [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- core [] has joined #tunes people hi * AlonzoTG/#tunes hurls a laser guided flaming woodchuck at core hi core er hi al hey hcf :) core: many ppl seemingly always want u to be here and to talk to u, but they rnt here atm hcf: yeah, i skim through the logs occasionally.. of course when i have time to drop in, noone is here :) not that i know why in the world i'd be so popular :P popularity by absence? hehe.. must be it. the less i speak the more intelligent i seem to be :) eihrul has done 'abi: seen core's since 1010 s/done/done 8/ hehe.. well, i'd be glad to talk to him too, if he drops in someday 10:10am hm, well, i'll be back :) you have a good day :) -:- SignOff core: #TUNES (vroom) he here often, u must of hit the one blind spot in his #tunes attendance k, ltr -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System || Around Goedel's Theorem 10:20am -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [11:22am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- Netjoined: -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [11:37am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- Ras_Kass [user4145@] has joined #tunes -:- Ras_Kass [user4145@] has left #tunes [] -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! Where the hell is .lv ?!? Latvia? abi, .lv? i haven't a clue, kaufmann Kaufmann: yeah Damn, I was guessing... I wasn't even sure there /was/ a Latvia 01:00pm -:- Kaufmann is now known as KaufmannBRB -:- beholder [] has joined #tunes Hey beh Hey Just came here lookin for water. abi: seen water? water was last seen on IRC 8 hours, 42 minutes and 9 seconds ago, saying: see ya in a few days [Tue Oct 26 04:23:09 1999] Damn, I guess he's gone :) could one of u mail me a gun? a loaded gun air: Brix gone bad? ;) im sick air: Ahh, that sucks air, feeling like exercising your 2nd Amendment rights? heh -:- td [] has joined #tunes hey lo Hey 01:10pm Crap... Can't find any info on ontonology in search engines.. perhaps you're spellnig it worng? I think so ontology isnt it ontology? yep it's ontology Ahh, yes less an n :) beholder: looking for anything specific? -:- KaufmannBRB is now known as Kaufmann hcf: Nope, just learning more about it 01:20pm *sigh* 01:30pm Well, I'm leaving -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (FOO! "Jesus would make a good main character for a Seinfeld spinoff" - Amber) -:- SignOff beholder: #TUNES (ircII EPIC4pre2.003 -- Accept no limitations) 01:40pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) does anyone here know howto redirect stdout to /dev/null? 02:00pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes hcf: do u know howto redirect stdout to /dev/null? cat file.txt 2>/dev/null td: in C oh. hrm. just close() the stdin fd er stdout even i need to redirect the stdout before i start the program uh just close() it right after main() no way to redirect by the prorgam, before the program starts yes there is right now i am redirecting to a pipe hrm. i dont see how.. without some other program but i dont read from that pipe and it fills up and stalls bochs in my program i fork a process and run bochs in a shell in it oh. your running a program within C i thought you meant the program itself ya my program is a gui fro another but that program writes all the good info to stderr and some crap to stdout 02:10pm -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (Ping timeout for td[]) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes so wsup -:- air has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System || Around Goedel's Theorem || BFE now works with latest bochs 02:40pm kewl i just got a bug in egcs air has gcs on his face egcs even do u use bochs? nope i have cillyrix processor (used to be a great company) but my little processor isn't made to survive OS matrioschkas uhh ok :) 02:50pm -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes hey eihrul: core was here earlier ah, thanks said he'd be back eihrul: bfe now works with all versions of bochs what was the problem? bochs sends a "[bochs]:" to stdout when u do a memory dump so i redirected stdout to /dev/null shouldn't effect what yu're reading off stderr i think stdout was filling up and stalling bochs 03:00pm anyone know what a flip-chip cpu looks like? FCPA 03:10pm -:- Beholder [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Beholder: #TUNES (:)) -:- Beholder [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes hello 04:00pm hi !addword Goedel read an online book about him at oops wheres plasma there has to be a plasma on the list :) 04:10pm hum? air water smoke plasma it makes sense we also have fire well then core fits in just nicely heh * rares/#tunes sits back rare: heh :) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Z) course if you get into gravity field conspitheoracies then the core is soft 04:20pm hum. Gakuk! 04:30pm -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Read error to rares[]: Connection reset by peer) Hey Fare yeah, beholder! :) How are ya? 04:40pm am I? Fare: Yes, you are? Fare: I was reading some interesting things about ontology research, seems to have much potential for an AI type system. -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes typesystem?? that wasnt one word wasnt isn't one word either Fare: I'm not sure if it would benefit that. It's more for abstract information kinda like water's arrows system I guess. eihrul: go ahead and add punctuation to yer sentences but im not going to 04:50pm * hcf/#tunes sides w/ air punctuation is highly underrated not in C not in lisp either eihrul: have u used the RET N instruction? nope 05:00pm why? it says N is bytes in 16bit mode and words in 32bit mode which is kinda dumb cuz the stack is words and dwords eh dude? it says bytes here for me in both cases air: ain't it rather words and dwords? or is it the size of N itself? anyway, ask nasm and/or gas or gdb... 05:10pm -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes eihrul: goto the last page for ret The optional numeric parameter to the RET instruction gives the number of stack bytes (OperandMode=16) or words (OperandMode=32) to be released after the return address is popped. 05:20pm nah nah what nah, i don't feel like searching through the instruction manual heh -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) hmm there is no indirect far call dunno how that would work since it would require two registers 48bit memory 05:30pm or 32 bit (with 16 bit registers) a 16bit index would suck 05:40pm -:- SignOff Beholder: #TUNES (:)) ok brix is now alot faster cuz methods make direct calls to other methods how so? well before i was creating a thread for every method call now i only create threads for async calls * eihrul/#tunes ponders the similarity between that and thread migration. :) this isnt thread migration its a direct call between functions same stack same thread not secure though ya it is how? -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) secure language remember that i now only have a single address space then its just a call... you can implement a secure language atop any single address space 05:50pm ya im making direct calls instead of spawning threads -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes well what's so novel about that? 06:00pm -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey hoy YAY AIR! Thanks for fixing BFE! 07:20pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) eihrul: Ever hear "I think not, therefore I am not?" s/?/. 08:00pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes wb hcf thx i see lots o' nothing happened while i was gone Yup I don't think anyone is awake 09:00pm back Hey air! thanks for finxing BFE! heh well i was highly motivated to fix it You wanted those pentium instructions, eh? i required the use of 486 instructions in brix and the old bochs doesnt do 486 Well, I am glad you fixed it :) 09:10pm do u use it? -:- NetSplit: split from [09:11pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Fare [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes !!! Received SERVER from !?! gakuk eihrul: i didnt say there was any novel about my new method of calling methods air: Yes I use it lots (BFE, Bochs) eihrul: i was saying that i removed the slow way of making calls lar1: kewl lar1: kevin is going to add a link for bfe to the bochs page air: Will BFE display my page tables as a data struct? air: Sweet lar1: then others will contribute to it and make it better yes it can like removing those global variables you put in there? :) -:- td [] has joined #tunes !ChanServ:*! lilo used GETPASS on channel #kde eihrul: ha ha ha :) global state == evil eihrul whats bad about global? everything -:- AWOL_SSC [] has joined #tunes brb 09:20pm anyone alive in here tonite? yes cool -:- SignOff AWOL_SSC: #TUNES (Read error to AWOL_SSC[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- AWOL_SSC [] has joined #tunes reset AWOL_SSC: u were saying? I was wondering if any of you know anything about pmode yep goodgood... I'm working on this OS and every time I try to switch to it, I get rebooted it = pmode triple fault but why is it doing that? ideas? do u know where its happening? when I set the pmode bit have u verified that? do u use bochs? I don't even know what that is bochs bochs? yeah crap abi is gone abi: bochs? bochs is a PC emulator at that runs on win32, un*x, beos, mac, os/2 and amiga bochs is a pc emulator at hcf: why didnt abi respond to me? air: i dont recall AWOL_SSC: send me a binary and ill tell u whats wrong 09:30pm you'll need 2 files I think... lemme double check air: as far as i can see, it was cuz of the way u repeated urself i just need the bootable image ok hcf: eh? air: try again bochs? rumour has it bochs is a PC emulator at that runs on win32, un*x, beos, mac, os/2 and amiga got to go talk to you alls later -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) 09:40pm -:- SignOff AWOL_SSC: #TUNES (Read error to AWOL_SSC[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (td has no reason) -:- NetSplit: split from [10:28pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1027 IRC log ended Wed Oct 27 00:00:00 1999