IRC log started Mon Jan 10 00:00:01 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0110 bleh.. it doesn't give you much of a suggestion of where to start beta? hmmm... beta is an advanced object-oriented language that integrates objects and functions into patterns, or at anyway, ideally, i could make a slate version of the squak design er... squeak yes, beta * eihrul/#tunes would like to play around with giving lambda's the notion of self. :) hopefully, the slate version could be kept cleaner that also solves another problem almost indirectly that lambda's normally can't reenter into themselves what problem is that? oh unless they have an explicit binding in lisp hm so it also gives them a way to reenter themselves wow though, i wonder how this fits in with tail recursion optimizations :) heh because entering into the self would infer cloning which tail recursion seeks to avoid well, cloning can be lazy actually its totally in accord with tail recursion :) how's that? because, in the case the lambda does not return self you may safely place it on the stack and when you have tail recursion you're usually not returning the self but some other value you're accumulating k but, in any case... even if the last step returns the self it's been too long since i worked with these issues if the lambda tail recurses into itself its technically not returning itself :) my head's been stuck in model theory and set theory and logics for too long so tail recursion still works well, make sure to add that to my docs btw, if i made this into a wiki, would you help out? because if you have for instance: (lambda (x) (if (null x) self (self (car x)))) (self (car x)) doesn't return the self that gets invoked hm it returns some other later self its only when it returns the current self that the current self needs to be free that's a really odd expression so tail recursion still works nicely :) 12:10am yes i was just doing a little experiment a nice one though it should have been (cdr) :) heh boy i'm really out of the lisp mentality say, as long as we're talking about 'self', why not use 'head' and 'tail' instead of 'car' and 'cdr'? or maybe 0 and 1 * eihrul/#tunes wonders how'd you access x, given the object self. you'd need some way to hash the symbol 'x to the index in the object well, smalltalk stuff already addresses that and then you basically have smalltalk :) yep but, that's of no consequence what's more interesting is you can derive an object from a procedure :) indeed i'd like to establish a habit form the beginning in slate of reflecting a lot on the environment model so that you'd wind up with a whole family of object system environments instead of building up a big monolithic hierarchy where everyone gets comfortable you think that's reasonable? sure ok i don't quite like large hierarchies myself because the objects within the hierarchy usually interact in non-obvious ways and to understand a given part of the hierarchy you have to understand almost the rest of it which is not fun well, it's just that getting used to one code system can inhibit proper use of a reflective system (like lisp or forth) and i'd like all the code to be simple * eihrul/#tunes ponders how to derive prototyping. yet powerful, of course :) well, the self papers go into that well, i mean from my lambda-with-self model :) oh -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) you basically include implicit parent pointers in object representations so it's part of the environment more interesting would be how you associated with the parent and it'd be simple to have methods that modify cloned objects -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes hcf: discussing slate in detail hi hcf hi cool the trick is to have the method look-up work through objects from self to parent 12:20am that reminds me of one of my pondrances from a few months ago of having semantics like method lookup btw, self also handles multiple inheritance in oddd ways being defined within the language (since they can be expressed outside of it) sure well, squeak's interpreter is written in smalltalk you could probably just do it with lisp macros of sorts :) also, self implements variable access as a primitive method which doesn't work like assignment it's strictly a message that i remember well, it raises some interesting points self allows inheritance by parts, which allows you to get data from one parent and behaviour from another given (method object paramters)...., a macro can be produced to send the selector 'method' to some specific closure in a specific slot that knows how to do the hash lookup :) i'm not sure how that meshes with beta or lisp, though hm (or could be redefined to work in whatever manner you wish) well ok but this would also allow you to modify how a selector is sent to a given object :) well, it should be possible by reflection but not the default the default semantics should be a little 'safer' i.e. it should be clear to the user when they're poking around with message-send semantics * eihrul/#tunes feels tempted to make a small object system in CL. :) yuck well just to play with some of these ideas :) that's all alright but i'd like it to get made independent of cl hmm, oddly enough 12:30am i have to represent frames with objects to make this work :) yes, that makes sense, actually so, you work with lisp a lot? that's good, i've never been able to stomach it water: i'm rather new to it, but i'm loving it quite much -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 13 24:47 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(9)] 1% -:- [global users on irc(283)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(337)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(620)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(32)] (avg. 19 users per server) -:- [total channels created(195)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 18 (17 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 4 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- [Users(#tunes:10)] [ TUNES ] [ hcf ] [ eihrul ] [ water ] [ zarq ] [ abi ] [ Fufie ] [ thomas ] [ Fare ] [ smkl ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 (eihrul/#tunes) mainly because of the macro system and closures -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.968 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES well, i understands the facts of its benefits, but i can't bring myself to get use to it hcf: lol why not? not sure maybe i like having objects as primitives as tactile things that i manipulate though, i think i've unintentionally shown objects with constructors are more expressive than lambda expressions :) heh well, you could definitely help to explain slate to lispers thanks, hcf btw, eihrul, the second url has some good stuff on prototyping water: that was actually a link from cetus' self page hm k i do forget things over time especially with the amount of stuff i look at well, hcf, it seems i got some good conversation going on the tunes mlist again * eihrul/#tunes ponders how to represent a lambda with an object. :) heh 12:40am well you have slot one: a tuple of symbols yes, i have that... and slot two: an expression with those symbols maybe that's too vague no tis not, actually water: has there been any merging of self and lisp b4? hcf: well, i know that lisp objects handle a lot of oo concepts but no one has ever changed the lisp language into something truly oo i.e. no real oo language has been based *directly* on lisp ast's and functional semantics heh. just think... we're making computer history ;) what of lisp does newtonscript have? but seriously *someone* had to think of this before hcf: you have any live links on it's documentation? hcf: i have a compiler for it well, it's like dylan is 12:50am end-user syntax etc damn you're good! Functions are treated as objects as well, and can be assigned to variables or passed as function parameters. This plus the fact that all statements return a value gives NewtonScript a little bit of a functional aspect. The influence of LISP is obvious here. hm i hadn't noticed that aspect of it yes, i jsut read that statement i guess it's a good sign that newtonscript runs in low memory situations nicely :) yep of course, it would probably do well with type-inference etc in a larger environment for performance btw, squeak will finally be getting it's major speed upgrades in a month or so where'd eihrul go? and hopefully i can leverage this for creating a slate environment he was toying with cl i'm working on my (thing) macro :) (thing)? i think i inspired him too well :) (or is that possible?) yes cool it's too bad i didn't get the same response when i told the tunes mlist about the idea a year ago 01:00am how r (things) coming w/ that? getting close * water/#tunes studies this NS doc for lessons yeah i got that thx okay, i have variables wrapped so they query from self k hmm NS has lisp quoting 01:10am wow. this language would be really nice for teaching programming better than basic or pascal anyway how's it going, eihrul? cmucl is not liking the code :) hm why not? 01:20am ACL works though, thankfully :) well, i'm going to code up some preliminary html for this stuff and properly update my homepage for PR purposes that's good then wow. my project lists still have generic names! :) 01:30am hm. is there a way to put a diamond shape into html? a hollow diamond, that is? -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes hi hey smoke i inspired eihrul to write up a small object system in cl i think he's still working on it * eihrul/#tunes nods. getting close :) is it common to do that? - isn't clos useful enough? we were considering making an oo base for a self/beta/lisp union er.. hybrid union => feature accumulation cool! the squeak type-inference system just got released okay it compiled :) all right! * water/#tunes high-fives eihrul now to see if it works like it should :) indeed how much of it did you implement? 01:40am from nov '93 ;) water: it allows you to defines things that have a notion of "self" that can outlast their invocation yeah, self started in 87 i think, and beta in 78 eihrul: hmm ok hcf: cool 01:50am hmmm wazzup? 02:00am bugs :) -:- AriB [] has joined #tunes uh oh :) hello, ari hi we're working on a programming language idea what kind of bugs, eih? strange ones Error: Attempt to access the name field of 460800 which is not a symbol. oh well, you're treating a symbol as a lisp symbol you have to either make the symbol a number or something, or properly add a quote somewhere darn it, i really am not the lisp hacker that i should be 02:10am sigh... damn win32 brb rebooting -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 02:20am -:- water [] has joined #tunes it, almost... works it works -:- billh_ [] has joined #tunes Hello. hi it works, eih? everything except for assignment :) hm well, it's a start dcc me the code i'll update my homepage, and add the link to the code in a few minutes wait, its still broken :) sigh... ok well, i'll make up some preliminary ebnf * billh_/#tunes is wondering if the claims that was made last night CL is true.;-) uh oh ok my new links work fine hm... but i forgot to add a few billh_: no, i just suck :) Yeah, I've heard alot of about it from various folks, including ones that I've known for a while on #freebsd. But I don't really know CL in the way that you guys do 02:30am well, we're just testing out a design what is the latex command for the letter Z (all the integers)? :) I was talking to someone about OS's and out of the blue mentions tunes and how it makes more sense to have no kernel. he also mentioned the exokernel design (finishing this report and no latex manual handy :(() ari: who was that? Yeah, I know about that technology. smoke: don't recall The Exokernel stuff has alot of implementation problems. don't know his real name but his nick was ree there's also slk abi slk? slk is the safe language no-kernel research project at Those are actually conflicting ideas OS theory. yes, there are a lot of problems with various research ideas A friend of mine named Yoav turned me onto that stuff, but he's dead now. and I don't really track that community. which happens we're trying to iron out the bugs from our current discussion the aegis exokernel that's what it's called Yeah, it's an MIT product. \def\Z{{\kern0.3em\sf Z\kern-0.8em Z\kern0.2em}} how could i forget :) heh. hardly a product Tripping over a chair and smashing into the door: I highly recommend it! smoke: ouch. where'd you find the doc on it? 02:40am water; tried google with some weird keywords ah it's a very ugly Z though :( hm i don't think i have any latex source with Z in it it's all compiled ps and dvi, iirc eihrul: still there? hm. i'd like to see the code whether it works or not bill: you're relatively quiet tonight :) water, you remember us talking about MIT and how bummed you were ? yes, but i got over it yeah, I actually know a bunch of high powered nerds from that scene. including Cal Tech. i have to watch myself, because i have sucha big chip on my shoulder about what ? mostly not being where i can get peer review and job satisfaction Yeah, you're a loud mouth, but I'm use to since I hang with New Yorkers and stuff. lol I'm kind classifyable as a "performance artist". i'm pretty quiet in person i'm from NY but no way can you call me a loud mouth you freaking loser :) So my actions pretty wild and often twisted driven by a strong sense of morality from my philosophy/political science training. I've largely forgotten that part of myself since I've been a hard core production nerd these last few years. i don't really care for morality in general Yeah, read Nietzsche, he's got an interesting twist on the entire topics. i ahve which reminds me i'll look for some only heidegger Nietzsche is often best read with secondary literature, like Prophets of Extremity. (for your interesest, if any, the best way to do it was {\mathbin}{AMSb}{"5A}) s/only/online 02:50am smoke: thanks The standard text for Heidegger is "Being and Time". i've only heard overviews of heidegger But it's pretty much the most inaccessible book in philosophy and it's very rarely taught correctly. how do i tell abi complex things like ``the way you write blackbord bold characters in latex is explained on briefly'' ? sorry, i don't get to read everything in the known universe water: okie * Fufie/#tunes yawns.. nice nap thanks, eih eih: what bugs are left? if you can pretty much grok that, everything in French Postmodernism derives from it. and is boring. water: Error: Bad symbol-expansion pair in SYMBOL-MACROLET: well, i don't see postmodernism being a problem to grok Baudrillard is something Nietzsched derived. eih: i think you're screwing up the symbol notion abi: latex is also see okay, hcf. water I'm talking about the acedemic expression of those philosophical investigations. i understand that But pretty much nothing beats Heidegger. iyo and much of it is derived from Heideggers work. well, logical positivism has its merits, but no one likes it neither do i, of course most folks don't even know what logical positivism is. That's impressive. well, i study logic pretty thoroughly water: almost works now, just isn't initializing things properly abi: Heidegger is see,_Martin/ hcf: is that necessary? yeah, if you can understand Heidegger from his pure view point then it'll be and impressive feat. water: no, but oh well water I've already done the logic thing already. It's fundamentally misguided. too bad for you :) there's some interesting new work 80's and 90's... that recent water, I think you should read Heidegger like I said. i will but i doubt i will ever endorse any philosophical system outright i take my relativism seriously :P It's pretty muct the death of that kind of philosophy, since it criticizes it from a fundamental conceptual view of point of what language is. relativism is bullshit too. bullshit is valid too bullshit is bullshit. and i don't mean std relativism That's the only logical identity is deserves. sorry, i misuse the term Yeah, you really need to get a broader view of continental philosophy. 03:00am yeah, so i can disagree with every thing i agree with :) I use to have these conversation with friends of mine but I grew out it when I got into other things. trust me, i'm quite the non-positivist thinker Yeah, I know the type, and I can tell were you pretty much fit, but you lack some important philosophy of language background to complete it. so I can't really complete thoughts and have it mean anything. i've studied language issues what do you think i'm missing? Yeah, same here, but Heideggers a completely different animal. It'll be clear when you work past chapter 3. water: what's wrong with positivism as an ideal? well, let's delay the continuation of this until i do Ok, that'll be fine. fufie: let's not go there, please You can probably hit me up for reference and explanation. water: ack.. so many people who discard positivism for the wrong reasons I still remember it pretty well, and reading that book is what made me finally dump school. fufie: i don't discard it, i just don't accept it Fufie yeah, there's too much factioning, it's not as clear a problem as some would like folks to think. but then i don't really accept anything not even as an ideal? ideals are terrible ideals are important bleh. no online doc of heidegger Fufie try to rethink the problem in a more abstract space. othwerwise all science slumps into the dullness and gray world of non-positivist post-modern (wanker) research Think of the role of science and what it does in relation to nature. Fufie Hold it. and just read what I wrote. I did and think of the techniques use to "enframe" (Heidegger term) the problem. bill: differing educations here will make this conversation difficult water Yeah, some what, but this topic is accessible if I do it correctly. why the hell hasn't someone scanned heidegger's works? bill: that is not important.. I am talking about science as a social project and my experience with the social sciences who have benn diluted by non-positivist thinking and a mistaken post-modernism thinking was depressing Think of the claims of authority in philosophy, Empirical, Positivistic and the other. The "other" here is something I'm trying to relay. i really need to get a scanner and solve this dearth of electronic philosophy Fufie that's a different problem, but legitimate. bill: it's not a different problem.. if people throw away positivism and think of it as a leper.. science will lose darn i have to go to work in an hour bill: an understanding of positivism's limitations is important, but one should keep it as an ideal fufie: don't confuse positivism with formal theories Fufie work at a different level of organization. bill: too vague, imo water: formal theories? bill: pardon? Fufie I'm trying to get you to rethinking what the role of a philosophical inquiry is. yes, formal symbolic representations of perceptions and concepts vice actual positivistic notions of them No, not at the level of formal theorys. Something more abstract than that. lol as if abstraction can be measured 03:10am Ultimately this is what Heidegger is talking about. you're stuck on one way of interpretation bill water: formal symbolic representations is not necessarily a positivist idea particularly his notion of readiness-to-hand verse presents-of-hand. fufie: i know fufie: that's my point water Not true, I studied most of what you're talking about, but I've got a few tricks. bill: doubt it water: formal theories give you nothing if they're not founded on correct science They root in Heidegger. water Shut up and listen. bill: do the same hey water did you ever get to Wittgenstein ? not enough Ok then shut up. likewise * Fufie/#tunes found heidegger boring.. Hume was more fun This is wittgenstein and Heidegger in one shot. * water/#tunes listens to the boor Ok, water if you're going to be and asshole about it I won't talk about it. well, be polite don't just condescend this isn't your big chance to prove everyone wrong water, you do the exactly same shit, so what I'm I going to do ? water, shut up. take it like a little girl :) Do you want to learn something tonight or not ? lol I'm serious, if you don't then there's no reason why I should be on this channel. you're such an arrogant ass water, you're that about 10x. true Ok, that's it. but this is tunes Fufie If you want to talk about it I'll be on Efnet, #vmac. about what? this is not #philosophy finally! sheesh thank you, eih 03:20am * AriB/#tunes hates philosophy with a passion I don't care much for heidegger.. he was a boozy beggar water: it shrank considerably :) got some fixes for me, eih? Fufie yeah, I've got a pretty heavy education about this issue and me and a couple of graduate students have a particular view that's pretty fundamentally devastating. ok Ok, that's it. bye bill you guys are *really* undereducated. -:- SignOff billh_: #TUNES (billh_ has no reason) no, i don't have the time he'll be back i know he will i don't mind leanring that stuff -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) but he's a complete snob -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- Unable to connect to port 6667 of server Interrupted system call -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 13 24:47 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(9)] 2% -:- [global users on irc(263)] 45% -:- [invisible users on irc(320)] 55% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(583)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 18 users per server) -:- [total channels created(197)] (avg. 2 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 15 (14 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14). -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:00:01 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ Kaufmann ] [ water ] [ AriB ] [ smoke ] [ hcf ] [ eihrul ] [ zarq ] [ smkl ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] [ Fufie ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.831 secs!! well, it was nice chatting all -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES I mean, shouldn't this type of functionality already be encapsulated somewhere? my homepage is updated properly, and has an entry on slate, but i'm not going to do an mlist announcement for a day or two kauf: you usually fork on incoming calls and go to a new port kauf: and leave the listener -:- water [] has left #tunes [] kauf: listening yeah -:- abi [] has joined #tunes they need their own port so you can return data to them but it seems that basically every daemon does the same thing. And now I have to implement the Infonet daemon, and it looks like a gigantic wheel to reinvent yet again. you might make it threaded though.. start a new thread for every new call and give it a port to communicate with yeah I'm probably going to write it for DrScheme, which is reasonably ported and has built-in thread support there has been a discussion on the m-list about this umm.. no.. it was just some socket thing -:- Kaufmann` [] has joined #tunes where were we? -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) Did I mention I'll probably write it in DrScheme? s/in/for/ yes I need to go to the shop and get some breakfast.. back in 15 min 03:30am okie 03:40am -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- PING Register first.(from -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(6)] 1% -:- [global users on irc(269)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(319)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(588)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 18 users per server) -:- [total channels created(197)] (avg. 2 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 11 (10 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 4 ca 1(2) ft 14(14). -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Your default nick is already in use -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 13:13:46 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ Kaufmann` ] [ abi ] [ AriB ] [ smoke ] [ hcf ] [ eihrul ] [ zarq ] [ smkl ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] [ Fufie ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 13.177 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smoke[]) back drscheme has a decent docket library and thread-support I think socket 04:00am -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann`: #TUNES (kathyanne gets kick'd / as leaves fall on still waters / she is here no more.) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- SignOff AriB: #TUNES (Ping timeout for AriB[]) -:- AriB [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Fufie: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Fufie [] has joined #tunes -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 15 12:37 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(38)] 7% -:- [global users on irc(261)] 45% -:- [invisible users on irc(319)] 55% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(580)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 18 users per server) -:- [total channels created(189)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 91 (82 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:01:15 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:11)] [ TUNES ] [ abi ] [ binEng ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ smkl ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.106 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 13 24:47 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(10)] 2% -:- [global users on irc(265)] 45% -:- [invisible users on irc(326)] 55% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(591)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 19 users per server) -:- [total channels created(188)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 18 (17 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 1 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- [Users(#tunes:10)] [ TUNES ] [ binEng ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ thomas ] [ Fare ] [ smkl ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 7.435 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- abi [] has joined #tunes quiet are there other fundamental ways of programming besides procedural, functional and logical? -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smkl[]) object oriented? aspect oriented? hm is that fundamental then? that's a fundamental way yes hm ok :) 06:30am * binEng/#tunes waves hello i still don't know what aspect oriented means.. i've read about it a lot, but it's still unclear aspect oriented is a variation of the last fundamental way of programming.. lisp-oriented TeX and Emacs are lisp-oriented :) they build a DSL for the solution in the language and then they solve the problem in the DSL the language == lisp? the language doesn't have to be lisp.. it can be custom-made or can be forth or something else hm it is just easier in lisp and more commonly done in lisp -:- lar_away [] has joined #tunes TeX is custom-made.. I see little meaning in building a DSL in an already custom language you'd better say library instead of dsl but then again, i think that's about the same not really a library is usually a constant and a language is not..? you still have to sweat in a general purpose language ie you can't make your own language-constructs a DSL usually has it's own language constructs to simplify stuff oh a thing about lisp it uses lists for nearly everything, isn't that limiting? I don't know what to answer to that -:- Ghyll [] has joined #tunes for data structures lists can suck a lot they can be slow that's what i meant yes but there is usually other data structures to choose from hi Ghyll but lists are easy to use so they're nice for rapid prototyping hm and for code they're excellent you mean lists are excellent for code? imho, the most important place for lists in lisp is for code won't that change a little with parallel processing? ie.. code is represented as lists why's that, then Fufie? because it is easy to read and generate lists, ie new code.. so it is excellent for code-generation 06:40am and code-generation is the key thing in lisp-oriented programming and it's a distinct and fundamental difference from other ways to program Doesn't Lisp have a little limited lists, you have to connect together all these units with only two 'slots'? yet if control flow gets more complex, lists aren't useful for code either bin: sometimes yes.. -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) smoke: not really.. '(if foo (then-code) (else-code)) is quite ok to follow.. how exactly does lisp represent code with lists? -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(43)] 7% -:- [global users on irc(284)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(335)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(619)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 19 users per server) -:- [total channels created(195)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 69 (68 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 2 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:01:20 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ abi ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ binEng ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.293 secs!! Ghyll: You're working with SDS, right? Could you give some examples what it's good for so I know its scope? -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES it's represented as 'if yes, and exported Fufie: huh? So every symbol is a string even internally? Seems exceedingly wasteful binEng: in its current state (alpha) or as intended ? :P sorry, wrong window Ghyll: Mostly I thought about intended bin: symbols are distinct from strings 06:50am smoke: a bit on the side note: I read a paper by Boyle a bit back on code transformations. He's written a code-transformer for a subset of lisp that will 'recompile' your program into a parallell program or a uni-processor program, without having the programmer do anything in particular. bin: you can however print a symbol out as a string and you can make a symbol out of a string smoke: problem #1 with his system was that it took 3 hours to compile a middle sized program... Fufie: so a list representing an if construct points to some "atomic" symbol representing 'if'? or? ghyll: haha :) bin: yes.. 'if is an atomic symbol yes.. and there is only one of it Fufie: ok thanks that was what I was getting at ghyll; i may be prejudiced, but that sounds like that method doesn't make full use of the parallelism, does it? binEng: SDS is a framework for developing programming tools such as source level documenters, source browsers, source metric collectors, and similar. bin: so symbols are cheap -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(32)] 5% -:- [global users on irc(276)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(330)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(606)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 20 users per server) -:- [total channels created(193)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 49 (48 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:01:15 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ abi ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ binEng ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] (smoke/#tunes) ghyll; i suppose programming for parallel systems is an art of its own, especially when there are numerous processors available (binEng/#tunes) Ghyll: In what way is that framework suitable for programming tools but not other areas? -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 8.408 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES smoke: of course it cannot optimize as well as a human can. Ghyll: From your description it sounds like it only collects information from code, is that so? smoke: but on average, one should expect such a system to outperform a human, just as today's C/C++ compilers produce faster code than a tired human coding tiresome asm :) binEng: yes, you're right. it does not construct and dump a general AST to disk. AST? binEng: abstract syntax tree. Ghyll: you sure you intended to say "not"? binEng: the obiquitous internal tree-representation of most compilers. -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) binEng: yes :) it does usually construct such a tree, but it will only dump 'interesting' information from the tree; the rest of it will be discarded. binEng: in particular, all expressions (such as: c = a + b; ) will be thrown away. are there programming languages that focus on a High (>2^20) number of parallel processors? (or at least theoretical languages) smoke: there aren't even machines with that many processors, are there ? -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 15 12:37 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(41)] 7% -:- [global users on irc(283)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(331)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(614)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 20 users per server) -:- [total channels created(196)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 91 (82 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 2 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:01:15 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ smkl ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ binEng ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 7.625 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- abi [] has joined #tunes smoke: no. it seems that MasPar (sorry for earlier misspelling) is its own company. fufie; :) >>> Fufie [] requested PING 947516924 from #tunes Ghyll: ok. So what's the current status? fufie; it's more that i have this vision of some sort of computer-dust in which every grain of dust is both a pixel and a little processor.. you just throw some of this stuff on a table and a screen will appear.. 07:00am smoke: quite a vision :) smoke: ahh.. magick :-) well very scientific magic then binEng: sds collects information from source written in C, C++ (if the sources are 'gentle') and Java. Lisp is in the works (pun intended). abi: MultiLogo is "A Study of Children and Concurrent Programming" at of course this stuff gets on your fingers and you can't put everything back in the sack where it came from. so there's a constant demand for these processors, and since i payed attention in economy classes... magick is prior art.. been done for a long time.. found it unworthy to spend time on ;-) Ghyll: Thanks for the info binEng: this info can be used to write out documentation (fufie's domain). other tools haven't materialised just yet. Gotta go, folks. BBL. the processors need only be very simple, and have to interact on a 2- or 3-dimensional level, which would make lists unhandy -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) so i wonder what language to use to program these things smoke: problem with massively parallell computers is that there's so much waste. smoke: and it's also a real problem to make all of the processors talk to common memory. ghyll; indeed, but i don't think it's that much of a problem if the processors are VERY cheap. there can indeed be no simple common memory the processors would make up the memory themselves, by means of time and the speed of processing involved smoke: Then there's the problem that a lot of problems simply cannot be parallellized memories and history is the domain of those victorious in war ghyll; i think that's no real problem Fufie: can't rememeber who said that.. :) ghyll: I just said it ghyll; only for efficiency it's negative, but it's not a showstopper smoke: no. it isn't. what i'm interested in is what the basic instruction will be like. smoke: but I think, without having the reports to back me up, that the reason why they moved away from massively parallell computers was that it was more cost effective to use fewer, but general-purpose CPUs. perhaps a mixture of instructions can be used by adding some other `salts' smoke: especially when those CPUs are of the same kind as is mass-produced for other purposes. say, if you have a problem and want it solved fast, you could add a pinch of the blue powder-processors it is indeed more cost effective if the processors are hard to make what i'm thinking of involves processors of about $1 per billion just as a pack of salt or sugar I like the idea of my fridge realtime raytracing my wallpaper :) these processors are by far as complicated as those used in most practical parallel machines we see nowadays yes indeed, things like that should be possible But now we're moving into the field of nanotech indeed because you'll have to connect these PUs, somehow. 07:10am And then it starts to be troublesome... yes, they have to be some sort of `self-orienting' or highly symmetrical You might very well be able to make them orient themselves in, say a 3d grid. but the high form of symmetry would mean ordinary output and input is no more which will give you a cube of sugar the orienting seems very hard to accomplish with simple means can't you just do it chemically ? it'd mean that inside the small processors there has to be some sort of force to rotate/move or do you expect the PUs to be too large for that ? Charges ? i was thinking of using charges for the data to move through If we move down to 2D for a minute.. i suppose the charges used for rotating will disturb the charges for the data If you make a PU hexagonal, it doesn't have to orient itself too much. If you apply some charge, it will 'snap' in place. (because they will be very much bigger in strength) -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(41)] 7% -:- [global users on irc(283)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(329)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(612)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 20 users per server) -:- [total channels created(200)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 69 (68 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:01:20 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ abi ] [ smkl ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.610 secs!! hm -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES If the charges for data were just _differences_ in 'normal' charge, that wouldn't have to be a problem. i somehow threw away the idea of fixing in a grid very soon, but i can't recall why i should write these ideas (how stupid they might seem) out (with drawings :) :) any idea if there are groups of people thinking of these massively and tiny parallel systems? The main problem with your idea is that for it to actually cost $1/billion units, you'd have to fab ludicrous amounts! (on the web) i was thinking of starting out with a billion, because i can easily spare a dollar :)) i think the best way to produce them cheaply is to wait a 1000 years smoke: lol a stake of one dollar isn't too risky to spend :) `wallstreet here i come' oh well, i hope this stays theoretical for at least 50 years you've invested in intel stock ? i'm too poor to invest in anything even $1 ? :) :) I have a more pragmatic idea along the same lines. oh? I've been collecting old 386s, 486s and pentiums for the last years. They're scattered around on the attic. * smoke/#tunes is actually working with those machines instead of stuffing them in the attic :) 07:20am I'd like to connect those in some kind of organic-like network; you can hotplug them and the system is supposed to autodetect them and do process migration to utilise the resources fully. Thinking Machines Corp. has a CM-2 (The Connection Machine) which houses 65,536 processors, each 1 bit wide Since I'm poor alt soldering and that kinda stuff, I leave that to my buddies, but my idea was to make a rudimentary process-migration system which you can write programs in a very high-level language and have it 'adapted' to the system by a realtime 'adapter' program my brother is working with as400 machines, which have that hot-pluggable option for processors too :) i found it awesome first time i heard the idea :) Yeah. That's the one I got confused with MasPar MP-1 AS/400 is awesome. now you're hoping for the adapter to be faster than the software itself? or will the adapter run on a seperate processor? Awesomely expensive, too. -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 13 24:47 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(9)] 1% -:- [global users on irc(284)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(332)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(616)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 20 users per server) -:- [total channels created(200)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 15 (14 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 1 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:00:01 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:11)] [ TUNES ] [ smkl ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 7.190 secs!! if, on the other hand, i don't give the process high priority, other processes can interfere and i miss the retrace every now and then.. which results in jerky motion -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES now the easiest thing to do is switch to MS-DOS and use that, instead of a bloated unix system. but i somehow LIKE this bloated system for its features and multitasking &c. smoke: but you will have jerky motion no matter what, if the system has to swap, for instance. indeed but of course anyone who'd like to view a demo would try to kill as much processes as he could and no swapping will occur, just the occasional network packets have to be handled or a clock in x11 will update .. so what i wanted to do was to get 90% of all cpu time reserved for the demo and give 10% to the rest of the processes ah. kindof like fixing it a that fraction ? at the occurence of a vertical retrace, a timer is started, and after 90% of the next screen-refresh, with the demo running, the system should suspend the demo, give control to the other tasks, and after 10% return to polling for the retrace the timer could be implemented with the RTC, it running at 8192 Hz and the refreshrate of the monitor 70 Hz (ibm vga 320x200x8bpp) 07:30am the problem i have is LINUX. how do i tell this beast to do what i want? :) or is it not even possible since other interrupts could occur? I think the easiest solution is to use the realtime clock. And give your processes maximum priority. and let itself take care of yielding 10% of the cpu time. is that possible with linux? that is, can i wake up a userspace process from kernelspace? I think a normal app can ask for callbacks from the realtime clock i thought that signal would have to go through the scheduler first? i may be mistaken - i could not find any information on this subject easily and most linux hackers i've asked think the idea to be silly at least you can ask the scheduler to reschedule. I also think you can modify the tdb entry so that your app is scheduled first. (or they just state it's impossible and i should use ms-dos, the most often heard remarak) remark the reason they think the idea is silly is because it breaks a good unix system. tdb entry? task database I've forgotten the actual struct name. i don't see what it breaks in the system struct task_struct* the entire idea behind pre-emptive multitasking is that one process can preempt another. what it /should/ do, essentialy, is degrade my p100 to a 286 for a short whle whiel whiLe (sorry) if you say that task #42314 cannot be preempted, you've disabled that possibility and that is a bad thing? i'd really like to have a menu in linux to deal out cpu-percentages to the users of the system in a multiuser system. yes. smoke gets 90%, root gets a fixed 5%.. &c now that's a good idea. but handing cpu time to tasks is very different. if smoke and Jake are both logged in, they have to share 90% and smoke gets 40, Jake gets 60 of that hm? you mean the distinction between tasks and users? there is a distinction between users and tasks, even in unix. yes having user cpu quota is neat. cpu quota is bad oh dear fufie; why's that? -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Use /Server to connect to a server -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 12 02:19 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(6)] 1% -:- [global users on irc(286)] 46% -:- [invisible users on irc(333)] 54% -:- [ircops on irc(19)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(619)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(30)] (avg. 20 users per server) -:- [total channels created(197)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 11 (10 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 2 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 13:13:46 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:12)] [ TUNES ] [ abi ] [ smkl ] [ Ghyll ] [ lar_away ] [ Fufie ] [ AriB ] [ hcf ] [ smoke ] [ zarq ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 9.909 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES smoke: but... fufie; with respect to a constant framerate in linux, root can get all and break the entire system, i get nothing smoke: is the status quo really as bad as you make it sound ? -:- SignOff abi: #TUNES (Ping timeout for abi[]) 07:40am * Fufie/#tunes don't like restrictions ghyll; well there has been more and more interest in multimedia in linux smoke: I've not noticed any real problem with realtime apps in linux. fufie; it's _not_ restrictive fufie; it gives freedom does disk quotas also give freedom? Fufie: freedom to compress ghyll; well try to make a 70fps constant framerate intro with sound playing in the background and be able to run it as non-root :) opt: s/compress/oppress/ ghyll; i'm trying that for about 2 years now and STILL haven't managed to come up with a decent solution I have sortof always been among the top ten dikhogs among the students at the institute /pp/p/ s/dikhogs/disk-hogs/ fufie; there's a difference between disk quota's and cpu quota's Fufie: what you have in quantity I make up for with quality :) fufie; to start with disk quota's give an UPPER bound, and cpu quota's (in my vision) should give a LOWER bound. -:- abi [] has joined #tunes smoke: not really.. cpu quotas favour the unimaginative, the losers and those who should've picked a different thing to study I don't want a lower bound either Fufie: omega guy fufie; grr! that's like saying that loser-people always get too much of the cake those that do a lot should get a lot of cpu lol fufie; what your raging against is the politics involved, not the technical issues Mosix is GPL :) smoke: quotas are politics what is mosix? mosix is GPL :) oh DUH abi: forget mosix Fufie: I forgot mosix fufie; no it's a security issue here :) fufie; i want to view a constant-frame-rate demo without having to be root MOSIX is a software module for supporting cluster computing with Linux smoke: use Be then mosix ? mosix is a software module for supporting cluster computing with Linux Be isn't free (rhymes) smoke: windows isn't any better. check the various rt-linux versions but don't introduce ugly quotas Ghyll: url for mosix? mosix is, like, a software module for supporting cluster computing with Linux i've tried rtlinux, but the kernel->user interaction that it uses is too slow.. all realtime tasks have to be handled inside kernelmodules (which would mean i had to put all of the demo in a kernelmodule) -:- smkl [] has left #tunes [] abi: shhh -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes hcf: *shrug* fufie; i still think quota's aren't a bad idea abi: mosix is also at okay, hcf. they might be a good idea short-term.. but they will be abused by sysadmins fufie; what alternative is there? remember that the perennial enemy of any developer is the sysadmin smoke: precalc ghyll; what do you mean ? smoke: if you render a few frames in advance, you can always handle the page-flip in a signal. smoke: typical n-buffering. but have your pageflip in a timer signal. smoke: tried that ? ghyll; i did think of it, but haven't implemented it (there was some theoretical reason for not implementing it, but of course i forgot) ah yes, i still couldn't free cpu time to other processes that way 07:50am smoke: no. but it should give you a smooth framerate with your available cpu resources. smoke: in practice, you have 100% of the cpu anyway, except the bits that X eats. but if another process comes in, it wouldn't return the cpu for a great deal of a frame-length and i'd miss updating a whole frame that way perhaps round robin scheduling could help with that, but i'm not quite sure about that.. rr scheduling wasn't available at the time i walked around with the above idea my machine has 99.3% idle time constantly. doesn't seem to change very much no matter what happens. if you set up a rasterbar you can see other processes interfere ghyll: install gnome+enlightenment about every second i miss a frame if i don't reschedule the rasterbar-process Fufie: øøh.. no. gotta do some shopping bbl thanks for the discussion np * Fufie/#tunes yawns writing specs are boring 08:00am -:- SignOff Ghyll: #TUNES (bar) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [09:05am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- Netjoined: -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AriB: #TUNES (Read error to AriB[]: Connection reset by peer) Fufie: then don't write writing specs. Write reading specs. I'll try that 09:40am that is a hard thing though.. and readable specs are even harder * Fare/#Tunes orders a klein bottle for his daddy's birthday 09:50am -:- ProGuy [] has joined #tunes Gakuk PG: do you live near Fare: I dunno.... or Aarrhus? or Fare: I live in Aarhus are you going to denmark fare? not afaik I'm mostly going to hell, if I don't write Tunes how is progress the last couple of days? have you found a decent VM? Progress? I've loaded the gun and put it against my head. I'm meant to work w/ Ian Piumarta, but haven't done anything did you have a talk with him? sure; met him several times. Am meant to talk before his team next month let us know what happens because I might dedicate a couple of weeks in march * ProGuy/#tunes wonders why Fare wants to know if I live in Aarhus... Oh... Well... I am here ;) and if there is something to base stuff on that would help Proguy: I mostly know three centers of great CS in .dk: BRICS (w/ Danvy&Filinski, and more), DIKU (with Jones, Mogensen, and more), and Aarrhus (where they make BETA). BETA is a norwegian project where some danes help ;) 10:10am heh... There are many Scandinavian people playing with computers around.... fare: did you have a look at the pop vm? pop-11? only at the very basics -- a GC'ed 2-stack VM, kind of FORTH+GC looked quite nice is it usable as a starting point? somehow actually, my goal is to unify low-level and high-level FORTHes with the proper meta-vm -:- Closing Link: TUNES[] by (Ping timeout for TUNES[]) -:- Connection closed from Success -:- Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 0] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: For more information about BitchX type /about -:- Welcome to the Internet Relay Network TUNES (from -:- Your host is, running version u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) (from -:- This server was cobbled together Wed Apr 28 1999 at 13 24:47 EDT(from -:- u2.10.05.18.(ipcheck4-5) dioswkfcg biklmnopstv -:- [local users on irc(12)] 2% -:- [global users on irc(334)] 48% -:- [invisible users on irc(367)] 52% -:- [ircops on irc(20)] 3% -:- [total users on irc(701)] -:- [unknown connections(0)] -:- [total servers on irc(31)] (avg. 22 users per server) -:- [total channels created(200)] (avg. 3 users per channel) ! Highest connection count: 15 (14 clients) ! Welcome to Open Projects! You are on 3 ca 1(2) ft 14(14) tr. -:- Mode change [+f] for user TUNES -:- Mode change [+iws] for user TUNES -:- JOIN activated by "TUNES #tunes " -:- TUNES [] has joined #tunes -:- Topic for #TUNES: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System -:- topic set by hcf [Sun Jan 9 12:00:01 2000] -:- [Users(#tunes:13)] [ TUNES ] [ ProGuy ] [ zarq ] [ Downix ] [ AlonzoTG ] [ hcf ] [ smkl ] [ abi ] [ lar_away ] [ Fufie ] [ smoke ] [ Fare ] [ thomas ] -:- Channel #tunes was created at Sun Feb 28 08:48:06 1999 -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Join to #tunes was synced in 6.964 secs!! -:- Mode change [-ws] for user TUNES -:- carlito [lol@] has joined #tunes FORTH? FORTH is at why FORTH? I count the pop vm as a HL FORTH Fufie: make it n-stack, parametrizedly-gc'ed vm or maybe typed n-register with the type of some registers basically forcing a stack-based behavior. nice enough.. but the sooner a simple base is ready for experimentation, the sooner more help might be gotten and the vm can be expanded gradually JOY looks interesting abi: joy? joy is at what is joy? joy is at hmm a stop-copy gc abi: joy is also a forth like functional programming language okay, smkl. 10:20am lol Hum, the whole "refactoring" trend is just lots of hype around a tiny bit of metaprogramming (and hand-done metaprogramming, at that!) I am surprised macros haven't been mentioned in the thread * Fufie/#tunes sighs in relief.. found the note which says when he is supposed to be at the dentist tomorrow.. can save sleep now and don't have to call at 8am and ask when he was supposed to come hmm saves me 4 hours of sleep :) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes 10:30am -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) * ProGuy/#tunes is away: bbl... -:- SignOff carlito: #TUNES (Leaving) * ProGuy/#tunes is back Pro: have you been tunes'ing for long? -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) Hey, I need help finding an OS that's NOT in the TUNES list MS Windows? No, AMIX I want to get a copy of AMIX have you tried google? I have, ton of emails from someone who had the domain and some info but nowhere to find a copy of it AMIX is Amiga UNIX BTW 11:10am * ProGuy/#tunes thought there was some amigaish about that name... ProGuy: Well, I want to see what AMIX is like, compared to AmigaDOS Downix: From the name I would say better ;) ProGuy: Agreed, but I want to see it Downix: Sounds like a good idea ProGuy: I lost AmigaDOS, only have AmigaOS left on my system. So I could REALLY use a replacement Linux runs on Amigas with MMU. * ProGuy/#tunes needs a new machine so he can try out freeBSD.... I know Linux does, but I want to see a UNIX that USES the AmigaOS, not overrides it And re-coding Linux to do that would be a majorundertaking PG: with IDE racks, you find that it's much easier to have multiple OSes on one machine that do not interfere with each other Fare: true... alot cheaper than another computer anyway * Downix/#tunes really wants to try out AMIX -:- SignOff lar_away: #TUNES (Ping timeout for lar_away[]) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) 11:20am Fare: You have any idea what those IDE racks cost? 11:30am cya -:- ProGuy [] has left #tunes [] google is not anyhelp anyone else know where I could dig up info on AMIX? ftpsearch? ftpsearch is 11:40am Wow, a ton of files FOR AMIX Even X11R5 And AmigaDOS emulation, for legacy Amiga apps Wait a sec * Downix/#tunes gryns 11:50am -:- javor [javor@] has joined #tunes -:- javor [javor@] has left #tunes [] -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- carlito [lol@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff carlito: #TUNES (Ping timeout for carlito[]) -:- NetSplit: split from [01:25pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- abi [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [01:31pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes * zarq/#tunes is away: z -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES ([BX] OH SHIT!\13) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smoke[]) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (woosh) -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes Hey-lo all How quickly could an OS be ported? depends what OS, what source, what target from a few hours to a few months i suppose the target is your MIPS-based architecture Fare: Does not matter the OS or source, but the target is a PA-RISC architecture there remains to see what source you're starting from oh, PA-RISC. Sucks. Seeing how much time it takes to port Linux to it, there must be some pretty hairy cache/MMU/IO/whatever management details Fare: Well, I have an option for releasing something within 3 months, but it's PA-RISC. (And Linux is already ported) is Linux finished porting, now? Fare: Finished enough to boot, which is all I'd need NetBSD is in better shape tho oh, well, it has booted since a long time (well, mklinux has), although in a not fully functional way (like, no shared libs, etc) * Downix/#tunes nods (I believe the problem IS with the data/code cache flushing) * Downix/#tunes nods I've been told horrors about ARM cache flushing, too I could just use NetBSD and customize it to the chipset you mean your chipset could work w/ PA-RISC as well as w/ MIPS? Fare: No, I mean I have an option for the PA-RISC design that my MIPS design was inspired by. like, switching target entirely? but would that really make your stuff be debugged sooner? 05:10pm Fare: Actually we were looking at using it to demo to VC's to say "See, it works" but isn't linux already ported to MIPS, too? (and NetBSD, also?) Fare: Linux is to MIPS, yes But on PA-RISC it's still iffy And I won't be debugged enough for silicon till June I don't understand what you gain at late-switching I'm not late-switching I'm using the older design as a demo, to prove that the concepts work oh, you mean, you already have a working design for PA-RISC? Right They went to silicon shortly before the company went bankrupt I have an option on it but you don't have running software for it? Right they never finished the OS And what they had was lost well, you have to estimate costs, as to how much the diversion would cost, as compared to how much it would bring you * Downix/#tunes nods We're figuring that Which is why I'm asking how long to port a basic OS just enough to show that the system works the devil is in the details, you know I know and the details will be in the boot process and the device drivers. * Downix/#tunes nods the main OS will be basically easy to port (one or two days max), if the CPU is already well-supported * Downix/#tunes nods Then it's device drivers for all of the new parts and that's where it sucks most, because device driver development is very non-linear Fortunately there's enough left of the original OS drivers (For SVR4) to work off of * Downix/#tunes nods We have most of the drivers left But for SVR4 at first, you have nothing, can't check nothing, etc; it might be short, or you might hit a problem and stay a looong time on it * Downix/#tunes nods I know on the other hand, maybe the relative cost of it all is small: if the option is fair, and the device driver work is mostly recyclable in the new design * Downix/#tunes nods Which is why now NetBSD is looking more promicing They were using BSDLite 4.3 for the original OS Uh, isn't Lite based on (evil) Mach? No Well, it *can* be there's configs for using MACH or as a stand-alone Lite is one messed up setup oh * Downix/#tunes has Lite 05:20pm Anyways it is an option I know a former amigan heavily involved in OpenBSD Who? Marc Espie ok met him -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes hey Lar1 abi: COCOM is at Hey Downix Fare: Thank you tho, I think NetBSD would be ideal Downix: Whatcha doing with NetBSD? lar1: I have an option of getting a loan on the design that inspired my own, to use to demonstrate to VC's. But it lacks an OS Man, NetBSD's web site is not very useful Is OpenBSD's ? I know OpenBSD's layout better At least they tar.gz up everything after all, O* tracks the changes of N* * Downix/#tunes nods And of F* yup. I hate Unix, anyway. I understand UNIX I prefer Amiga tho I understand it enough to hate it. * Downix/#tunes nods I do not hate anything depends on what you call "hate". 05:30pm I *dislike* many parts of UNIX, but more parts of Windows "hate", "love": the Xians have corrupted these words true Hum. EUR40 for an old K6-2 400. hrm? What OS's do you like Fare? Hum. I used to like OSes w/ integrated language. HP RPL. Even AppleDOS 3.3. or some FORTH OS. * Downix/#tunes nods I'm sure I'd have loved LISP OSes if I could have afforded one at the time * Downix/#tunes nods the key here is: integration only by having an integrated system can you reason on the system as a whole om * Downix/#tunes nods Agreed (aka Induction, for logicians) My plan for the OS on Downix's system would have the compiler in the BIOS which would then compile the OS like any other program. ;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I'm sad. I won't get to watch caldera slow-rotiserie roast microsoft.... ATG: sue Caldera and M$ for being a trust =P 05:40pm later all -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) Downix: when all/most software is free, there is no more reason for hardware compatibility -- and then it'll be war, and the free hardware design will win. so watch out! * Downix/#tunes nods, I know om I wish there was a free CPU design that was finished that could compete tho hmmzles. =\ there is the F-CPU, but it's not nearly finished yet NoT Bl00Dy Likely. Downix: hum. What about the chips made at or are they patented/whatever? 05:50pm i have not heard of chips Hum. That could be the next fight of french university... free the results of public research! hmm hehe I'll look at it what a scandal: we pay so much in taxes for those researchers, and they would like to copirate/patent the result! * Fare/#Tunes hates copirates! * Downix/#tunes laughs I'll check on it Fare: It's in french any english? Downix: duh! * Downix/#tunes does not know french ok, off to tower of babelfish abi: seen water water was last seen on IRC 14 hours, 38 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: thank you, eih [Mon Jan 10 03:14:53 2000] lo's -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey hum. Looks like their CPU stuff has parted towards private industry :( :( :( Fare: eh? Fare: That's bad. I hate berkley's CPU for being purely SPARC now. There needs to be some kind of open-source CPU out ther e other than the ESA SPARC design Downix: check around varsities. Open-cores? I'm pretty sure there are lots of PhD/whatever CPUs that wait to be taken and improved. rares: Found a few open designs, all too slow for my needs Fare: I'll look There was a 32-bit CPU designed to be proven correct in ACL2 * Downix/#tunes nods I need a 64-bit design at least It mightn't have been much optimized tho * Downix/#tunes nods The MMIX and DLX are good reference designs Downix: doubling the data bus size isn't the most difficult part of a chip design! but there's a problem here too, no existing software 06:00pm MMIX? Fare: True. MMIX, you mean Knuth's stuff? Fare: An extention of the original MIX yes was it implemented in silicon??? Fare: Yes I think about 30 across the globe (btw, there's the ENIAC Now In A Chip, at upenn) * Downix/#tunes laughs ENIAC is not exactly high-tech ENIAV the 1001 ENIAC even * Downix/#tunes is now puzzling where to find a university chip design he could use Ahem. You'll have enough problem with your chipset. Just give the chip design pointers to F-CPU people Downix: they have mix in silicon? :) I'm sure F-CPU would benefit a lot from making strategic alliances with some research center or another Downix: where can i get one? :) Fare: My chipset requires a built-in CPU int core eihrul: Dunno int? Fare: Integer Fare: And an FPU what's a CPU "int" core? Downix is a F-CPU people to some extent Fare: The Integer unit within a CPU * Downix/#tunes nods to rares I have never heard of a CPU withou an interger unit rares: Cray made several, they used vector units instead Fare: Basically the CPU w/ the bus control, memory addressing, etc stripped out. Cray mostly sucks, except for very very specific applications (and even then) Fare: In their day, they were the king -:- rares [] has left #tunes [] what about some FORTH CPU? like, PSC1000 ? Fare: I don't understand Fourth I understand RISC hey, with 8-bit tokens, you could cram 8 instructions in a 64-bit word! Forth is kule. I have the FPH. Fare: Too radical a design concept to my poor mind. * AlonzoTG/#tunes slaps Downix around a bit with a large trout. Downix: I have a monopoly on self-pitty, stop infringing on it! =P if you like LISP and ASM, then you'll like FORTH Fare: I can barely comprehend RISC. To go FOurth would complicate things too much. 06:10pm My understanding of RISC is that you have a lot of general purpose registers. ATG: More than that It behaves like a computer within a computer where the only two instructions you have are "Load" and "store" to access memory, All ADD, SUB, MUL, BOOL, are all done REGister-Register. What if you had lots of general purpose stacks? hrm? that would make for a complex ISA.... It would be nice though but you are looking at 2 registers, the stack and the pointer to the stack top... =\ I like it though. Currently I am attempting to determine wheather there is an "ideal". hmm -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (main(){fork();main();}) 06:20pm Too bad MIPS is not "OpenRISC" like they claim * Downix/#tunes sighs No good CPU designs out there I can understand that would work with the architecture I don't know how Fourth works 06:30pm Downix: when your chipset is done, you can rethink about the core they are mostly a good factorization, so you can reuse one with another Fare: No I can't, I based the chipset on special conditions of the MIPS CPU special conditions? Fare: I've been fighting to keep the F-CPU close enough to the MIPS so that it canbe used to replace it like what? Yes, MIPS has a unique addressing system hum. Tell me more about it It relies on an external system control co-processor for addressing by using that sysco you can get massively SMP MIPS systems w/ little bandwidth hogging ahem. Like, well-separated addressing unit with full address and data buses? Fare: Right. Fare: The MIPS relies on this, so we're exploiting this feature and what do other CPU cores do? Fare: They have a "bus-lock" So each CPU keeps grabbing for the bus as it becomes availible unless you have a crossbar, which has an external agent fixing ht ebus lock down ahem, I'm not sure I see the difference. Surely your full address&data bus has control lines that amount to bus locking, for synchronization, don't they? Fare: In a way, but controlling it is much smoother in our setup. Plus MIPS is the only CPU family capable of handling the full speed of RAMBUS So it's all more in the details of signalling than in an essential concept change? or are these details so important at the silicon level, that they count as a concept change? Right it's easier to handle to re-do it would enlarge our die a lot On the silicon level they are very different programming them is fundimentally similar tho ahem. What silicon meta-programming tools do you use? Right now none I'm using HDL's for now 06:40pm I'm looking at Ocean for the mask generation tho But it's not quite right Doing that will be a major pain in the ass * Fare/#Tunes is reminded that LeLISP-based silicon metaprogramming environment of the late 80's hrm? from high-level logic down to mask generation. That would be nice * Downix/#tunes is sick of using these various, incompatable tools I wonder if the sources are still available, somewhere. Anyway, porting them from Le_LISP to a modern dialect would be some work. (although a useful work) Very how useful was Le_LISP? * Downix/#tunes is trying to learn Electric VLSI was nice, but was an old-style LISP. Ran on old PCs. * Downix/#tunes nods pre-dated CL. french ok * Downix/#tunes wishes he was well funded maybe a rewrite would be better done in OCAML, although you might miss LISP macros (unless you invest in camlp4) Of course one idea I could do is use SPARC, which I can then licence SPARC is a good design anyway, until you can use F-CPU or another free design, you're screwed SPARC, good? I hate register windows. SPARC is not perfect I want MIPS anyway, SPARC is not freeer than MIPS. Fare: SPARC is an open licence, $100 and you can produce as many as you like IIUC, you have the right to give away your work to Sun. Downix: doesn't the license prevent modification, least you basically give them away to Sun? Nope Sun does not control SPARC Berkley does oh common mis-conception om! =) 06:50pm Want a copy of SPARC VHDL? it's GPL'd Full copy of the SPARC which SPARC? it's the ERC32 a 32-bit SPARC used in space exploration very reliable, designed to handle high-radiation environments hum. Gotta go 3053 bye! ok, seeya Fare 07:00pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- water [] has joined #tunes * AlonzoTG/#tunes left clicks on water * water/#tunes drags the AlonzoTG icon to the Trash icon. om =P ToPiQuE? slate, i suppose -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes speaking of which... :) hi eihrul lo sorry, i didn't have a chance at work today to work on slate water: i can now compose things that do things with things :) although the code is rather messy cool! i finally think i squashed the last remaining bugs oh hmm well, from lisp to good compiled code shouldn't be too hard i hope you're borrowing from clos where useful? hmm Dx: feel free to chime in here :) * Downix/#tunes is tired so am i since i didn't sleep last night I'm burned out for the day water: i know i probably should be :) eihrul: just don't borrow too much it wouldn't be good to have to factor out ugly features besides, this is a good exercise for you * water/#tunes lights off LispWorks things isSupersetOf: thing ? 07:20pm it seems yes eh? n/m i'm getting into the code oh good, there's a beta list discussion on the intuitive menaing of beta syntax ouch, i've got interweaving threads from tunes, squeak, and beta in one queue eihrul: you want acopy of this mail on beta syntax? sure k, justasec water: the new thing should, in theory, support prototyping :) or rather the one i sent you right oh really i just need to test it more extensively to make sure it works ok i'll try to hammer out the spec -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) 07:30pm brb -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes back hey hcf hey water any suggestions for my home page / potential sub-pages? need a links page true unless u plan to merge ur links w/ tunes my links aren't that welll organised at all i mix all sorts of things together have u looked at cecil? not in a long while isn't it an old uwash project? yep not sure of any current status i think it's dead it may have some ideas for slate tho ya know, like a doornail it may * water/#tunes loads up cecil's page abi: cecil? cecil is object oriented programming language at eihrul: you should probably look a little at it, too 07:40pm i like it when bill tanksley keeps Fare in line :) ah, got prototyping working now based on what? i mean, how'd you do it? just based on the code i gave to you that had broken prototyping in it oic a slot for message-forwarding then in each object? yes and a clone method in a default "root" prototype? it gives every thing an implicit 'parent hash entry ok, just keep in mind that might change not sure why, but it might -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: ribbed for her pleasure!) 07:50pm water: actually, i think it'd come out much cleaner if the parent slot was explicitly specified hm. ok (that's just a limitation of my implementation though :>) and sub-objects would each have their own parent slots, so we wouldn't lose the generality of beta / self well, the explicitness of it is just about interface well, not in this case... a simple re-implementation of your code could do the trick, though problem right now is that if you initialize unspecified virtual messages on a subclass smalltalk already has message mechanisms, they'd jsut be re-programmed to handle the type of system we want within the body of the thing, and then set its parent after the thing is created oh it won't travel down the chain of parents and set things correctly all right then we just make the clone operation a primitive and keep access to the slot only available to reflection hackers well, i think this whole thing needs to be rewritten :) eihrul: it's your code yes, but its horrible heh it's experimental dude you're doing fine :) (but i really want to solve that virtual thing problem) well, ok i'm not sure how slate should handle the 'virtual' idea just yet well, things handle it implicitly just because setting travels down the chain of parent things so if you set some slot that's been previously specified on a parent thing, it will just travel down the parents and set the previously specified slot hm not sure if i understand that quite right 08:00pm setting slots works the same as reading slots (or rather, does the same traversal along the parents) sounds like you're saying that setting slots in children affect parent's slots hm only if the slot is not overridden in a child (if the slot is missing in the child, it goes down to parents looking for it) doesn't make sense why not? :) say i make a prototype for a 2-d point: (x y) and i clone it and change the clone's slots to 4 and 3: (4 3) how does your system handle that idea? you'd have to clone all parent objects that could be potentially modified, as well as the child hm.. cecil ain't so dead why? if the (x y) slots are on the 2-d point itself then just cloning the 2-d point is sufficient but if you were dealing with a 3-d point well, this is how i see it that used the 2-d point using 'add-slot' or something you'd have to replace the 3d-point clone's parent with a clone'd 2-d point what? n'm, i'm rambling thought so :) it'd be a help if the self site were up so you could read the papers no mirrors? not afaik maybe on its empty hm i'll try mounting ext2 screw this, i'm rebooting brb... i'll get the papers for you 08:10pm -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- water [] has joined #tunes damn the archive was corrupted maybe i have papers on 08:20pm ugh nope :( well, the cecil stuff should explain a few things, i guess * hcf/#tunes to the rescue oh yes of course * eihrul/#tunes pins a gold star on hcf. wasnt hard at all abi: self links? self links are at yeah duh get that and search for mirror eih: check out abi: self is also mirrored at okay, hcf. actually, all the papers in that directory they're not too long and pretty easy to grok 08:30pm and some of them address the UI style i'm thinking of 08:40pm still here? reading papers it seems water: whatcha working on? analyzing cecil mostly trying to make sure i understand what features should and shouldn't be in slate 09:00pm ok, now my self stash is back together the tunes' papers archive idea didnt happen at all, right? not really copyright probs? mostly yes i'm actually trying to get at my old laptop hd again, to connect it into my second ide slot it's got ~1gb of relevant stuff actually 1.6 hm i could re-install windows on it that way well, that must be done later 09:10pm hm cecil allows cycles in inheritance graphs and both immutable and mutable variables doesnt purely functional mean no mutables? yes, but they claim pure oo on the other hand, cecil has some experimental (incoherent) features slate will have mutables right? yes but i'd like the reflection system to shift between mutable and immutable instead of having to explicitly deal with streams where necessary, because i'd like more than just stream-based immutability perhaps trees of state-updates / object structure changes 09:20pm i.e. taking data in multiple directions ouch! cecil takes one hell of a lot of resources to compile -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes wb hey -:- lispbliss [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hi lispbliss, rares hey w hello water * Downix/#tunes is pondering.... -:- AriB [] has joined #tunes Downix, pondering sending me your Amiga? well, i'm working on slate hi hi ari lispbliss: No way dude. hehe any word on those G4 cards? no water: #modtunes' settings fixed? hcf: no damn it, i don't have a pervasively-multithreaded mind when it comes to software config hmm -:- NeBulOuS [] has joined #Tunes hi nebulous 09:30pm hi it's really crowded now yes, I can barely stretch well, all, i'm trying to work out the details of a good oop language based on self, beta, and lisp it'll have a graphical interface based on the language objects themselves direct-manipulation style of programming hmm eihrul: ping! pong! what're you up to? transiently reading and other things all right you guys might find interesting lol looks like a tunes spoof or just a yaos spoof 09:40pm vapour... well of course Downix: u here? yes nebulous had his red speaker wire short with the case and smoked his mobo and ps :) -:- rares has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: not! laugh it up. well, i guess you guys feel like being deadwieght, then? Actually I'm pondering a ricky plan * rares/#tunes sits back tricky you mean * eihrul/#tunes ponders. risky? water: this self paper is self-deprecating (pun slightly intended) 09:50pm eihrul: which one? "The Inspiration for Self" oh Ricky, yes Risky yes what is that? Dx? rares: can't say yet, too unsure Need to first see if we can licence it or not Whygee and ZChocolate LOL water: there seems a teency rift between cloning and things :) yes but they almost seem very similar although cloning isn't the best thing since sliced bread but it's a nice ui approach at least you could destructure a thing, pass it to another thing, and end up with a clone pardon? i wonder about xraying a thing to get its skeleton water: a thing is a constructor + object... you decompose the object, take its pieces, pass them to constructor -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes o lah why decompose? hmm you have to with things :) or atleast as is sigh... with a little conceptual change to thing keep reading up on self and beta a thing could just accept another thing 10:00pm to do what, though? cloning how? how does accepting a thing clone a thing ? it doesn't clone a thing by itself, but goes half way... you have to explain invoking a thing instantiates the new representation then all that's left is to copy its elements that's not the goal 10:10pm a thing isn't supposed to be a function returning a *new* object (i know, its jsut what my prototype does :>) it's supposed to be the new object itself oh wow. all these people and i'm working alone, it seems dunno how to help that's the problem... knowledge 10:20pm pretty much and i work 10-hour days this is something i do in my off-time anyone here familar with the issues of self and beta? 10:30pm hm... how does everyone feel, then. about intuitive language interfaces vs using modelling systems to simulate? water: explain? I like intuitive languages designed to be intuitively comfortable to use instead of languages where you build code that acts like your idea of a system well, intuitive ideas don't always translate 100% into good programming languages for instance, multiple inheritance vs inheritance of interfaces Hmm, intuitive geared more toward the human readability and comprenhenshion, then? hmm something like that ok Iunderstand that intuitive also means physical interaction I think no matter how intuitive you get you can't throw out lego block skills hmm -:- SignOff lispbliss: #TUNES () i.e. having code behave like physical objects for instance that's not fair to people who want to know and fully understand something squeak and self have this in morphic ui -:- SignOff NeBulOuS: #TUNES (Leaving) rares: yes, that's true the question is, how to have both work together in an integrated way? i have no problems with Rapid Application development 10:40pm but Foolproofing is a nightmare sometimes RAD is for quick hacks, for testing of ideas and such but rad systems are isolated well, how does it fit into a language that's better for expressive modelling of a problem? (and keeping all of this at a high level) I've found out one thing there's only to approaches therest are hybrids A. Rule based if getch()= "A" printf("A") yikes i'm not talking about c and Constraint or Essentialist modeling me neither that was an example of style well, you might as well say that there's only logic and binary Costraint/Essentialist modelling: printf(getch()); with everything in between a hybrid -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES ([BX] Man I'm *SLEEPY*!!!! My keyboard is slipping away!) A stencil or a mosaic a what? stencil = spray painting through a cut out keep in mind, the topic here is unifying/hybridizing self/beta/lisp i am keeping that in mind rares: i know what it is, i don't know what it means in context -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) a mosaic do int the same design with small glas pieces okay klet me think but go on the metaphor escapes me beta has some interesting features / philosphy, and so does self where's the docs again abi self? self is probably a prototype-based object system, at or mirrored at 2nd url abi beta? beta is an advanced object-oriented language that integrates objects and functions into patterns, or at hmm... 10:50pm self misses the idea that messages can be objects what you need is a translation system beta happens to be procedural, but i'm going to ignore that aspect eek why translation? but better yet to find a clever painless and flexible way of doing it i'd rather start the language design over, modifying an existing lang i think it's going to get hairy if self learns that a message can be an object well, beta patterns handle it at least for my opuny brain then well, lisp-like systems of objects handle it too but then, clos is way too loose in allowing the object system to be bypassed seriously let beta and self complement each other on that note, i shall sleep before i pass out and drown in a pool of my own drool i don't want to -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) it'd be nicer to have a system that can "go both routes" from static to dynamic and vice versa -:- NeBulOuS [] has joined #tunes wb well, the memory wasn't fried (192 in this machine now) that gives me hope heh i'll be doing something like that soon try the cards tomorrow... anyway software meets hardware ying meets yang patterns meeet objects raster graphics meet vector graphics that speaker wire was... roasted though i find the self/smalltalk systems unsatisfying for flexible design work I will be the happiest man alive if the MB and CPU still work but i like the interface notions in fact that's the best analogy raster graphics as opposed to vector graphics whoa UT never loaded that fast before the trick is to realize the limitations and benefits when one or the other defines the medium at the same time, beta is more expressive but doesn't have a native direct-manipulation system that is useful i disagree squeak handles both well well enough, anyway * rares/#tunes cats SLEP on water casts even i honsetly am not satisfied with having one or the other that's not what I meant do both well, i don't like them being separated i don't like *separation* i know it's crazy but you can cheat logic theory and information theory only so much 11:00pm sorry, i'm the expert there no i've read a lot of new interesting work which shows lots of holes in old notions of logic /info theory ghah xchat refuses to show me the URL choice menu sometimes just msg abi for url's yeah but xchat can select from the text i know it just doesn't want to lol another example of low-level programming stupidity not stupidity just inanity fine I like that feature it's an inane feature it just is out of order url's are lame oh url's heh ascii too um you're going to come up woith a way for ppl to get where they want to go without having a way of speciffying that? lol dude maybe you're an expert at cheating but that's an oxymoron no, a way where denotation is based on dynamic systems of meaning no static representation for meaning denotation and connotation screw connotation connotation is the only thing that saves us from newspeak where good is the opposite of bad and double good is better than good i didn't mean it that way i know i'm just teasing i'm tired 11:10pm sorry i study formal semantics, model theory, linguistics, ... i lived around ppl who studied it it rubbed off it still gives me headaches Roland Barthes of all ppl for me it's like a vice this conversation is dead like isaid I'mtired I should be sleeping soon jfc what does it take to get help? banning windows NBC's Y2K movie and Barney the Dinosaur then let world simmer in confusion for a few centuries then tada sanity water tell you what I need to get one of the current easier projects out the door make some money then maybe I'll be able to help you and every other person in tunes I sure as hell know where to stop thinking and start coding unlike 6 mos ago well, my ideas will make yours obsolete :P so what lol the point is it gets done no the point i syou get paid i don't get paid for code i do this for others dude i want only a woman a guitar and a great CD collection no one else in tunes gives a s*** about others all the other money goes to my sanity it's still about money which is best restored by helping ppl get their projects done your job is programming my job has nothing to do with it my job is going to be designing businesses as much as iut will programming let's quit wasting each other's time here go to sleep like you need to 11:20pm dude I don't want to end on any worse a note I really apologize if i turned it in that direction cya later but i don't care how bad a note you end on go l8r -:- rares [] has left #tunes [] to anyone listening: i only give a damn about exactly one thing reallizing the idea that drives me day and night to the point of insanity f*** everything else, including myself 11:30pm well, what could self gain from hybridization? the object structure in beta already has the slots for basic inheritance mechanisms -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) however, i't not explicit to the 'pattern' notion as a function i.e. not part of code neither, in fact, are beta patterns' data slots (iirc) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes so, to self could be added a slot ofr initialization of the object since in self, no slots are implicit, the initialization function could not be 'inlined' in the object's top-level structure this would bypass the usual environment features for distinuishing code from data er... s/data/meta-structure since one of the goals of self is to unify the notion of code and data 11:40pm er... s/self/the hybridization of self this goal also motivates the adoption of lisp-style syntax policy sigh.... -:- Draugath [] has joined #tunes 11:50pm hi draugath Good day. I am a friend of Tril's and I was just stopping by the see what was being discussed. oh cool i live in seattle i met tril in person this last may He has told me a little about the TUNES Project and I was just curious how the progress on it is coming. i happen to be working on a programming language idea right noe now Not to mention I have read the FAQs at well, we have various protoypes, but we aren't satisied with our ideas ok in fact I was just at the site a minute ago checking to see if there were any news updates, but to no avail. well, tril does that btw, i'm the author of arrow Ahh... well perhaps I should walk over to his work then and get him to update i haven't heard much from him lately I must apologize, I haven't heard of arrow before. In fact, I don't spend much time in programming chats or anything else like that. well, it's a tunes-local idea Ahhh okay. tunes is a subset of arrow unfortunately, i only have a prototype set of code :( but i digress tonight happens to be a slow night, btw Hmm... well... the from what I have read and what Tril has told me, the project looks like a pretty good one. well, it has good goals Yeah.. I'd agree with that. and we do have great discussions water: could anything be gained by another look at agora and omega? but overall there's not much to show for it just yet Well, I will have to stop back in at another time hcf: most likely not ok well, thanks for visiting Yup.. I have always wanted to get more into the programming world, but never had the patience to self teach myself C or any other lanuguage. hm ok oh well.. Have a good day. -:- SignOff NeBulOuS: #TUNES (Uh, oh yeah... It's 1AM. ZzZzzz..) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0111 IRC log ended Tue Jan 11 00:00:01 2000